Absolutely. All our UK instructors and our overseas visiting instructors and technical directors have completed the FEKM instructor requirements.
The FEKM has defined training requirements and standards for all Krav Maga instructors. Unlike other Krav Maga associations, the FEKM instructor training program is completed over an extended period of time (years) and incorporates a number of developmental stages.
Intensive training sessions in Paris with the director of the FEKM, Richard Douieb, are a mandatory part of the process. In addition to personal technical excellence our instructors are also trained and examined on their ability to teach Krav Maga using the FEKM instructor methodology. Our instructor training process is rigorous, but intentionally inexpensive – it is a core value of our federation to make Krav Maga excellence accessible to as many people as possible from all walks of life. Our founder, Imi Lichtenfeld, left us this legacy so that “one may walk in peace”.
All our instructors also have first aid training and specialist Martial Arts instructor insurance.