Tag: Women’s Self-Defence

  • International Women’s Day 2018: Empowering Women Through Krav Maga

    In celebration and contribution to International Women’s Day 2018 EITAN Krav Maga will be joining FEKM federation clubs across the United Kingdom, Europe and the world in specialised Krav Maga Self-Defence training events for women. All our self-defence training events for International Women’s Day 2018 will be free to all women and teenage girls to attend. Our focus will be to empower women through Krav Maga, both physically and psychologically, in a single 2 to 3-hour training session, with skills that will serve them for a lifetime.

    IWD 2018 FREE Women’s Self-Defence Course

    Book Your Free Women’s Self-Defence Course

    Women’s Self-Defence Course
    International Women’s Day 2018
    19.20-22.00  Thursday 8th March
    EITAN Krav Maga, Trevor Bailey Building, Dulwich Common, London SE21 7EX

    Book Your FREE Course Here

    100 Years – Women’s Right to Vote 1918

    This year we are also celebrating another very important date in the United Kingdom. 100 years ago on 6th February 1918 women suffragettes, at huge personal cost, finally won the initial right to vote. In fact, one of the first ever woman martial arts instructors in the the western world was the English suffragette, Edith Margaret Williams.

    The ‘Suffra-Jitsu’ Bodyguards 

    Edith Margaret Williams (later Garrud), a small woman of 150cm height, instructed her fellow activists in the core suffragette protection group known as “The Bodyguard” in secret locations. They trained in order to protect themselves and their suffragette leaders, such as Emmeline Pankhurst, against arrest and the brutality of the police. Williams trained them in Jiu Jitsu, the use of clubs as defensive weapons and tactics such as sabotage and subterfuge. “The Bodyguard” unit subsequently fought a number of well-publicised, hand-to-hand, combative confrontations with police officers who were attempting to arrest their leaders. And they somehow achieved this in long Victorian dresses, eight layers of petticoats and corsets.

    One of the first ever woman martial arts instructors in the the western world was an English suffragette, Edith Margaret Williams (later Gurrud)

    #Press for Progress

    Coming back to the present, the theme of International Women’s Day 2018 is “Press For Progress”. And that’s no surprise. The Global Gender Gap Report 2017 by the World Economic Forum predicts that it will take 217 years to achieve gender equality at the current rate of change. The #MeToo campaign has also exposed the enormous scale of the threats and attacks across industries and nations that women and girls are systematically exposed to on a daily basis as they progress in their lives and careers.

    All our self-defence training events in the UK for International Women’s Day 2018 will be free to all women and teenage girls to attend.

    Transformation through the Simplicity and Power of Krav Maga

    What a perfect time for us to share our passion for the simplicity and power of Krav Maga whilst making a huge contribution to women’s lives. All our self-defence training events in the UK for International Women’s Day 2018 will be free to all women and teenage girls to attend.

    Our focus will be to empower women, both physically and psychologically, in a single 2 to 3-hour training session and to open up the world of Krav Maga to women who may not otherwise imagine it is for them.

    International Women’s Day 2018. Empowering Women Through Krav Maga.

    We will have a voluntary contribution or T-Shirt purchase to raise funds for the incredible work of the “Krav Maga Women Protect” charity. We will be teaching from the syllabus of 17 FEKM techniques identified as the most important for women by “Krav Maga Women Protect” in their work with the “Red Brigade” and the women in Lucknow, India. Our focus will be to empower women, both physically and psychologically, in a single 2 to 3-hour training session and to open up the world of Krav Maga to women who may not otherwise imagine it is for them.

    Book Your FREE Course Here

    Our Sponsors

    EITAN Krav Maga thanks the management and team at Dulwich College Sports Club for their generous sponsorship of our International Women’s Day 2018 event – Women’s Self-Defence Course.

    EITAN Krav Maga wishes all our sister clubs in the  FEKM-UK and our FEKM clubs around the world hugely successful training events for International Women’s Day 2018; transformation and empowerment through Krav Maga.